Exiting stories by uncle Max: The logo, part 3.
The logo - a graphic symbol, a drawing or a typographical arrangement of characters - is often seen as the anchorpoint of visual identity in the communications industry.
The logo expresses identity the best and the most efficient of whatever it is used for.

Working for the Amsterdam Cultural centre 'Paradiso' slowly made me change that idea.

From 1982 until 1991 Marten Jongema and I designed its posters in an average of 6 to 7 a week for events like rock concerts, lectures, fashion shows, disco nights and parties. Through the years we really got trained in a high production, quick decisions and clear designs.
Altough not every poster made it to the eternal stage of a truely piece of art, we managed to create some memoriable series.

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©1996 TYP/Typografisch Papier and the author