P!t!r M!rt!ns: Right! <<< kaxmisman is now known as maxk >>> P!t!r M!rt!ns: Hi! maxk: hi P!t!r M!rt!ns: ho! P!t!r M!rt!ns: waar blijft bilak? maxk: komt maxk: well peterb: am i right here? maxk: hoe was de maaltoijd? maxk: ah there he is maxk: miss bilak P!t!r M!rt!ns: English! (english meal!) peterb: ike begrijpt niet maxk: ok ok ok maxk: who asking the questions P!t!r M!rt!ns: bilka! peterb: i am ... peterb: do you have some time now? <<< P!t!r M!rt!ns is now known as Answering Machine >>> maxk: I am here for you <<< peterb is now known as the investigator >>> <<< maxk is now known as vaguely >>> the investiga: ok, when did you start the TYP? vaguely: well shal i? Answering Mac: 1986 the investiga: was the idea to make it a type magazine? vaguely: Peter and Jan D. had their birthday party... the investiga: tell me more about it.. Answering Mac: The Society of Art & Power vaguely: and they asked everyone to contribute a nn-material contribution to it the investiga: maxk and peterm were the founders? vaguely: so I played around with cutting and pasting and collage those days Answering Mac: Max initiated! vaguely: and produced a photocopied pamflet iece of paper the investiga: max, why did you feel like making a magazine? vaguely: TYP/Typografisch papier vaguely: Well... vaguely: There was niot much happening in Typoland in 86 vaguely: All the older guys weren't interested in the new vaguely: and we (peter, me and others) were very much interested in the new vaguely: not so much and only computers Answering Mac: It was a graveyard, protected by old man. vaguely: but also the ideas behind it, the images, the words vaguely: men... the investiga: did you think it will last that long? vaguely: That party was really inspiring Answering Mac: Mainly it had the force of the urge! vaguely: And Peter, JAn and Henk (...) immidialty wanted to comntinue TYP Answering Mac: Henk loved paper! vaguely: That's the birth (read in TYP 10 years (typ www) the investiga: how many issues did you make, both on paper and Web? vaguely: Peter? Answering Mac: 31! vaguely: wow the investiga: really?! Answering Mac: see typ txt only last page the investiga: i will vaguely: TYP moved typographic borders vaguely: when everybody thought they were stuck Answering Mac: hm the investiga: it has always been in Dutch right? Answering Mac: no! Answering Mac: see fax typ. Spanish! English! vaguely: TYP reached a small but dedicated audience the investiga: did you want to move the borders further? Answering Mac: European lingo! vaguely: Decicion makers... the investiga: Opinion makers the investiga: the last issue on paper was quite criptical... vaguely: so it moved designers and gave them some understanding of different things going on the investiga: how that happened? Answering Mac: TXT only! Answering Mac: no, you can start reading whereever you want the investiga: no images anymore? Answering Mac: images everywhere! The Web! Hotline Color, Moving! Answering Mac: Soounds! vaguely: TYP has been in a crisis at a certain stage vaguely: But that was just before the box the investiga: why TXT only then? Answering Mac: the images are elsewehre Answering Mac: We are mindpublishers the investiga: on the WEB? Answering Mac: yep, Answering Mac: on the ROM Answering Mac: on our own browser the investiga: will you continue the magazine on all three medias? (paper, CD, WWW)? Answering Mac: See the new MP3player Answering Mac: Yep! the investiga: how was the analogue comeback? Answering Mac: We will have an exhibition in Hoorn. Opens 22 sunday! the investiga: Where is Hoorn? Answering Mac: The north! Answering Mac: Noors Holland the investiga: Send me the invite please... Answering Mac: Noord Answering Mac: Yes! the investiga: thanks Answering Mac: I'll look it up. the investiga: SO why did you interupt the paper version? Answering Mac: Sunday 22 nov, 16:00 vaguely: I think TYP has become sort of an open, anarchistic space... Answering Mac: Korte Achterstraat 2a Hoorn vaguely: Also to produce products you have to be well motivated and together. To coordinate is hard too Answering Mac: Its related to the Sandberg Institute (show of several other independant artist pubictiojns of Tineke Reijnders) Answering Mac: (sorry) Answering Mac: Anarchie! vaguely: Chaos the investiga: did internet change much for you? you believe more in paper then before? Answering Mac: No! We believe in the mind vaguely: We believe in communication Answering Mac: The Human mind is a thing of beaty Answering Mac: beauty vaguely: We believe in beauty the investiga: ok, so it might change its form again and again... Answering Mac: progressive communicatin the investiga: what is beautiful? vaguely: beautiful images, beautiful words vaguely: I think good communication is entertainment vaguely: Not neccesarily dumb and stupid the investiga: is world around you beautiful? does it inspire you much to create beautiful things? or it the other way round? vaguely: There is a fine balance between entertainment and easthetics Answering Mac: Yep! vaguely: The world has several layers Answering Mac: Hear hear! vaguely: some of it is beautiful some is ugly vaguely: the contrast is important vaguely: yes, the world around is beautiful vaguely: but the sam time there is a lot of uglymness vaguely: homeless on the street, murder and disasters Answering Mac: We are Hippies! Zippies! Communists! Anarchist! We have stock! Answering Mac: The AEX is at 1060! vaguely: sunset, flowers, birds and squirrels the investiga: did you ever have urge to create ugly things in the overdesigned Netherlands? Answering Mac: Yes! YEs! I am very good at that! vaguely: I just have chicken stock vaguely: Not so much ugly as well as different vaguely: to show that there is always a different way of sayiong your words vaguely: saying vaguely: It is not that difficult to be different Answering Mac: [what are you eating/drinking yet??] vaguely: but to be good in it is so hard vaguely: who? Answering Mac: you and you the investiga: i am just listening... vaguely: well yes it's about lunch time now the investiga: i am after dinner vaguely: but I thought we do this first Answering Mac: right! vaguely: ok ok vaguely: are we doing well? Investigator? the investiga: shall we continue? vaguely: yep Answering Mac: jo! vaguely: ask vaguely: ok ok the investiga: how was TYP evolving with all this technology changes, did you try to reflect the changes? vaguely: No vaguely: well Idon't the investiga: or is it or about very personal questions that you ask? Answering Mac: Eh, to be honest, we think we created some oft he changes vaguely: I think it is about showing what personnaly intrests us vaguely: and that comes somehow a bit in TYP Answering Mac: to amuse with what amuses us vaguely: because it's our platform to perform vaguely: a small place we created to plotter around Answering Mac: (plotter?) vaguely: nothing more or less vaguely: (play) the investiga: so it TYP the same as in 1986? 12 years later? Answering Mac: maybe vaguely: And that others pick it up is good vaguely: No the investiga: so? vaguely: everything changes Answering Mac: we don't know Answering Mac: We have a new logo! the investiga: are you aware of these changes? vaguely: no Answering Mac: well... vaguely: chaos the investiga: i don't mean the logo changes.. the investiga: anarchy and stuff vaguely: we are vaguely organized Answering Mac: We are a Stichting! the investiga: you are? Answering Mac: Yep! Answering Mac: otherwhise we couldnt be typ.nl vaguely: Why is typography important to you Peter B? <<< Answering Machine is now known as Investigator 2! >>> the investiga: i am very suspiciaois of typography... vaguely: why? <<< Investigator 2! is now known as PM >>> the investiga: but rather that say "fuck it"... the investiga: i i try to do something... vaguely: hmm vaguely: do you think communication depends on typography? PM: but you have done some good (fun) type! <<< vaguely is now known as MK >>> the investiga: i became inable not to read and create typography in my envirimnet the investiga: i understand typography in a very braod context... PM: (i just read you books!) MK: Im on thephone the investiga: you read images, city, faces.. PM: thats true the investiga: that what's interstes me at the moment MK: sorry just a minute the investiga: that's why i find new interest in typography again PM: Sometimes on the other hand it just doesnt seem to matter the investiga: what matters at the end? PM: Type was intruced as wild at the THYPE and the someone comes telling about serifs again... <<< the investigator is now known as pb >>> PM: and tells about how long you have to work for one good typeface PM: that is nonsense pb: well, there are different people, maybe it's good too PM: Right@ PM: ! pb: we need those people too! PM: I like it when something comes and goes ot the rigth moment PM: like popsongs pb: back to our magazine talk... MK: There's the entertainment PM: you wont to hear them on a certian week, and don't ever after PM: yep MK: Magzines are albums PM: YEA PM: yeah! MK: they should be MK: that's TYP pb: ..do you still have the same motivation to do magazines? PM: yes MK: not all albums should be the same PM: but to do them HYBRID MK: I really would like to move away from the 'designer' aspect of magazines PM: Yeah! MK: And see them as individual projects PM: (all right come to Hoorn!) PM: There the Koekrant is! MK: So wheter I make a video or magazine, it;'s a similar approach PM: So it is! MK: whether pb: so what are you MK? an editor? MK: i dunno PM: he is pb: thet's being a designer too? MK: I gues I am an illustrator pb: 3.0 PM: he is too PM: 8.0 pb: you are not! MK: ha ha MK: an author MK: is better PM: a human being pb: illustratotr is the worst thing MK: image author pb: that's better? MK: I don't agree MK: I mean I always was asked to make a drawing MK: In class at primary school pb: do you want to illustrate words? MK: In class at High school MK: and later proffesionaal PM: f ss MK: designers tend to be so full of them selves MK: I just want to make images MK: and let people enjoy them MK: or not pb: ..nice... MK: nice is the wrong word pb: ?? MK: when something is moving it is beyond just nice pb: where is TYP moving? MK: let me see MK: PM? PM: we like tv.typ.nl pb: can you control it? pb: the movement.. PM: technically, yes pb: ..can you? PM: content? pb: if everythng changing.. PM: DVD! PM: Realvideo! PM: MPEG2 pb: more then that PM: but again, I like TV and also on the WEB PM: And is a nice blend of it all pb: do you find imoprtant to kep up with all this? PM: i was waiting (see TV-TV) MK: I don't think control is the issue pb: design is about certain control PM: hm MK: how to articulate is very important. in what ever you create MK: if you can't make yourself clear there is no use I guess PM: Television and non-linear media are the way young people see things MK: That doesn't mean they are clear MK: and come accross with messages PM: No but knowledge works that way pb: were you always clear about what were you doing? MK: thechknoledge PM: no MK: yes PM: first do MK: oops PM: than think MK: think two PM: 1. do PM: 2. think MK: but peter m yo are a thinker,, PM: (thinking) pb: (thinking) MK: I uploaded some still into TVTYP/maxk MK: stills PM: Jo! PM: do! MK: of the show pb: which one? MK: I have no idea what I wanted to do with TYP PM: Its a race! pb: do you know now? MK: I think I first want to figure out communication values in moving media PM: Thank you. MK: create a couple of projects and then complie them into a scheme or so MK: I am now very much intregued with this character I made MK: which is playing a major role in some projects PM: (nice Pic!) MK: whether he (and she) wants it or not MK: so for the VPRO I am working on a screensaver with the same starting points. MK: but dunno what it will be yet PM: livesaver MK: yeh MK: heard about it? PM: seen some pb: do you think about the TYP's readers? MK: and? MK: sorry PB PM: seen some good ones Dick Tuinders! MK: I think TYP is a something to have pb: (soory i am kind of delayed) MK: and not a big audience MK: I think we offer contributions of some intersting artists PM: eh, we still think we are popular with designers, and we are not pb: do you know who is reading TYP? except you and me? MK: and the audience likes to know about them PM: I've sold another 250 MK: we get emails from all over PM: Yes, and have about 1200 people a month PM: and thousands downloading at holtine! PM: Holine pb: is it important for you? PM: hotline! PM: no MK: We have the connection (had surely) between the older, current and new generations PM: we have MK: we know where we come from and we know where we go to PM: visitor gone pb: good.. MK: who? MK: Hey PB how do you record this? PM: [eh boys, have to finish some article for Publish...] will hang around! PM: Cut copy paste! pb: right! MK: OK PB we'll go on? pb: 10 more minuets ok? MK: ok pb: do you run parallel activities besides TYP? PM: yes PM: album MK: I would like to. but no. not as TYP PM: Wild Way! PM: see http://www.xs4all.nl/~fpcm PM: µ pb: can't you do those things in TYP? MK: I am quuite isolated here. And I haven't found a similar environment as TYP and consorts PM: i can, but other boys cluns PM: cluns PM: clubs PM: oops PM: PARK PM: www.park.nl PM: double pb? MK: www.xs4all.nl/~maxk pb: (oops, i am back) MK: www.sirius.com/~maxk (mirror) PM: got it alle copied: PM: copied? pb: yes.. <<< MK is now known as PM >>> PM: huh PM: Ha! <<< pb is now known as MK >>> MK: anarchy PM: well no PM: long live the queen PM: jes PM: I am falling off my chair PM: ouch PM: hey MK <<< PM is now known as Kickbot >>> PM: ask mre MK: which one? Kickbot: kick PM: TYPE is end? PM: sorry lets get serious MK: i declare this conversation as finished ... <<< PM is now known as mk >>> <<< MK is now known as PB >>> wow: hi all! mk: did we do wrong? Kickbot: Hi! PB: or not? wow: is there smth from '80s here? Kickbot: wow is a third! PB: yes.. mk: ok thanks pb send me mail Kickbot: bye! Kickbot: wow! PB: thansk for your time PB: i'll get back to you.. mk: yes please do Kickbot: please do mk: this was quite hard wow: huh? PB: bye <<< Kickbot is now known as pm >>> pm: bye<BR>